Software Engineer building an SDK for secure e2ee messaging.Tech speaker & writer, ex-HolyJs program committee member
Meta, WhatsApp, Nov 2020 - Present
Messenger and instagram (infra team):
- WhatsApp TL for messenger web and instagram web e2ee messaging;
- Working on an SDK for e2ee messaging based on WhatsApp;
- Keen on PRE metrics (performance, reliability, and efficiency). Significantly improved messaging performance;
- Organized team on-call process, set up monitoring tools, logging;
- Mentored other engs 5+
- Introduced instant scrolling. Improved rendering speed from 5-10FPS to 30FPS (hardware limit)
- Adapted and converted WebP format for stickers. Speed up WebP processing for 10 times.
- Created media editor.
HeadHunter, Lead Engineer, Oct 2013 - Sep 2020
I worked in several teams: Search (eng), Mobile WebSite (eng), Talantix (Team Leader) and Architecture team (Lead eng).
As Lead eng I concentrated on PRE (performance, reliability and efficiency):
- Real-time client performance monitoring, errors tracking;
- Improved 95p of SSR response time from 100 to 60ms;
- UIToolKit maintainer (100+ components);
- Co-led migration from legacy stack to React (30+ pages migrated);
- Set up the architectural team planning process;
- Created unit tests infra (Reached 56% loc);
- Lecturer and mentor in HH developers school. The best lecturer for 4 years according to students surveys;
- Maintained the FrontEnd part;
- Enhanced 85th percentile of team lead time from 38 to 28 days;
- Created many features: analytics graphics, applicant tracking system, calendar
- Mentored people: 2 engs from the team became team leaders
- New vacancy search on a map
- Mobile cv builder
- UIToolKit
HolyJS, Programm commitee member, Jan 2020 - Jan 2022
I was invited to join JugRu Group as programm commitee member to co-organise HolyJS conferences. I did it in my personal capacity.
- Co-organised 4 HolyJS conferences, trained more than 14 speakers
- Curated performance and browser extension sections
- Was evaluating speakers' proposals, tehnical depth, etc., made more than 100 initial calls